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Ages 6-8
in A Creative Writing & Art Camp
Centaurs to Space Monkeys: Art & Creative Writing Camp (Morning Session, Ages 6-8)
with Karlyn Coleman, Aegor Ray, Marie Olofsdotter, and Kallie Melvin

Ages: 6 - 8
A Magical Monsters Art & Creative Writing Camp
Let your imagination frolic, romp, and soar in this super fun art and creative writing camp! Create a mystical menagerie of creatures with words, moving pictures, sculptures and pop-up books. Guided by ArtStart’s fearless artists and writers, you will explore distant planets and swim on the golden shores of your creativity, where hippogriffs, dragons, and mermaids abound.
Storytelling: Worlds of Wonder
You have the power to produce magic! Pick up a pen,unleash your imagination, and create worlds full of wonder. Young writers, get ready to embark on an extraordinary adventure! Explore mysterious lands, discover hidden realms, and bring fantastical creatures to life. Join us to craft stories full of surprises, where the next sentence could lead anywhere! Taught by Karlyn Coleman.
Karlyn Coleman is an award-winning writer, teacher, and creativecollaborator based in Minneapolis. She is a certified teacher and has taught at the Loft Literary Center for over ten years and has been apart of the Young Author’s Conference for the past four years. She loves visiting schools, libraries, and youth organizations to share writing activities of all kinds.
Book Arts & Poetry: A Magical Pop-up Book
Create a fun and magical pop-up book. Along with construction paper, we’ll use tissue paper, googly eyes and fake fur to make our books come alive. Once the pop-ups are done, we’ll write a poem inspired by our unique creatures. Animal masks are used to get the poetry ideas rolling in this lighthearted playful class where everyone gets to imagine what they would do if they were a wild and magical creature.
Marie Olofsdotter is a Swedish-born artist who has been drawing pictures as far back as she can remember. She creates books for young readers, paints, and writes poems. Her accolades include a Minnesota Book Award, a Loft Mentor Series Award in Poetry, grants from the Minnesota State Arts Board, and the Jerome Foundation. She credits her work as a teaching artist to her two years in clown school in Stockholm and California, because it motivated her to bring her visual and literary arts to large audiences, and she swears by the Steve Linsner quote that says “A clown in a poet who is also an orangutang.”
Ages 6-8
Early Bird Pricing: 5% off until Feb. 3
Half day = $237.50/week (code HALFDAY25)
Full day = $427.50/week (code EARLYBIRD25)
Will run
Centaurs to Space Monkeys: Art & Creative Writing Camp (Afternoon Session, Ages 6-8)
with Karlyn Coleman, Aegor Ray, Marie Olofsdotter, and Kallie Melvin

Ages: 6 - 8
A Magical Monsters Art & Creative Writing Camp
Let your imagination frolic, romp, and soar in this super fun art and creative writing camp! Create a mystical menagerie of creatures with words, moving pictures, sculptures and pop-up books. Guided by ArtStart’s fearless artists and writers, you will explore distant planets and swim on the golden shores of your creativity, where hippogriffs, dragons, and mermaids abound.
Visual Storytelling: Comical Crankies
Long before television, people in India used the crankie as a way to tell a story with pictures. All you need is a box, some dowels, a long scroll of paper, and a really tall tale! In this class taught by puppeteer Kallie Melvin,you will invent stories of enchantment, decorate your box, then create a long cartoon that moves as you crank it. Taught by Kallie Melvin.
Kallie Melvin is a puppeteer and teaching and performing artist. Several of the places she has worked with include Monkeybear Harmolodics Workshop, In the Heart of the Beast Mask and Puppet Theatre, Z Puppets, ArtStart, Puppet Lab at Open Eye, and Weisman Art Museum. She is also the Acting Regional Director of Puppeteers of America Great Plains. She uses her original puppetry work as a means to tell stories and explore her experiences as an intercontinental transracial adoptee growing up in the Twin Cities.
Construction Arts & Creative Writing: Junk-tastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Create magical new beasts from reuse materials like egg cartons, mylar, and feathers! Then name your critter and write stories about them! Does your beastie fly, or swim, or apparate into different dimensions? What magical powers does it have? Is it loving, crabby, fond of chocolate-covered pickles?
Taught by aegor ray.
aegor ray is a writer and community organizer based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was a Loft Mentor Series Fellow in poetry, a participant in Tin House Summer Workshops and a Lambda Literary Scholar. He is a Sagittarius.
Ages 6-8
Early Bird Pricing: 5% off until Feb. 3
Half day = $237.50/week (code HALFDAY25)
Full day = $427.50/week (code EARLYBIRD25)
Will run